Stress – Just Let It Go

How stress takes a toll on your skin and body?

Our mind and skin are undeniably intertwined and the skin is the window to our mind and soul. Many of the skin problems are a result of anxiety and stress showing through on our skin. Everyone deals with their own fair share of stress through its effects on the mind, the body and as a result our skin. A few ways it affects our skin are:

1.  Acne – Nothing screams stressed skin quite like acne. Under stress our body releases cortisol, it triggers the release of other hormones which causes over-production of oil and hence causing clogged pores and acne.

2. Dark Circles – Many people experience lack of sleep due to stress, and it ultimately takes its toll on the skin, showing signs of aging, and causes fine lines and wrinkles.

3. Rashes – Stress reduces our immunity strength and thus makes us prone to getting affected from skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, etc. The reduced blood flow can lead to aggravation of irritated skin and increases blemishes, bumps or rashes.

4. Dry skin – Stress sends our hormones into overdrive and the cortisol production causes all sorts of hormone imbalance leading to either excessively oily or dry and itchy skin. Keeping ourselves hydrated from the inside and outside is the only way to replenish our bodies. Using a good stress relief body oil, can prevent dry skin and reduce the stress too.

How to reduce the effects of stress on skin?

1. Rest – The ancient ayurvedic scriptures suggest that a massage with soothing essential oils can help the mind and body to rest. As a result, allowing the skin to rejuvenate through the process.

2. Reset – Meditation puts your mind at ease, thus reduces the stress levels. If done consistently, meditation not only improves your mind, but you start seeing a healthy glow on your skin.

3. Restart – A good workout is a superb way to release stress. Whatever you like to do, the increase in blood circulation removes the toxins from your skin and nourishes the mind.

4. Eat Right – Always keep a check on what you put inside your body, as they play a big role in your mental and physical health. Eating antioxidant rich food will definitely make your skin look and feel better.

5. Relax – Every once in a while, take out time for yourself, and pamper yourself either at home or a salon, it releases happy hormones (dopamine), thus reflecting on your skin.